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Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa Museo, Italy - everything you need to know

The Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa Museo in Lazio, Italy

About the Museum

The Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa Museo is a unique museum located in Viterbo, Lazio, Italy. It is dedicated to the history and tradition of the "Macchina di Santa Rosa," a spectacular event where a massive illuminated tower is carried through the streets of Viterbo during the annual festival in honor of the city's patron saint, Santa Rosa.


The museum offers various ticket options, including individual and group rates. Visitors can purchase tickets at the museum's entrance or through their official website.

Opening Hours

The museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, with varying hours of operation. It is advisable to check the official website for the most up-to-date information on opening hours.

Current Exhibitions

The museum features a permanent exhibition showcasing the history of the Macchina di Santa Rosa, including historical artifacts, photographs, and interactive displays that provide insight into the tradition and its significance to the local community.

Upcoming Exhibitions

While the museum primarily focuses on its permanent exhibition, it occasionally hosts temporary exhibitions related to the cultural heritage of Viterbo and the surrounding region. Visitors can stay informed about upcoming exhibitions through the museum's website or social media channels.

Museum Map

The museum provides a detailed map of its exhibition spaces, guiding visitors through the history and evolution of the Macchina di Santa Rosa. The map is available at the museum's entrance and can also be accessed digitally for convenience.


Throughout the year, the museum organizes special events, workshops, and lectures related to the Macchina di Santa Rosa and Viterbo's cultural heritage. These events offer visitors an opportunity to engage more deeply with the traditions and history showcased in the museum.


The Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa Museo offers membership programs for individuals and families who wish to support the museum's mission and gain access to exclusive benefits, such as free admission, special events, and discounts on museum merchandise.

Virtual Tour

For those unable to visit the museum in person, a virtual tour is available on the museum's website, allowing online visitors to explore the exhibition spaces and learn about the Macchina di Santa Rosa from anywhere in the world.

In conclusion, the Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa Museo offers a captivating journey into the cultural heritage of Viterbo and the extraordinary tradition of the Macchina di Santa Rosa. Whether visiting in person or virtually, the museum provides an enriching experience for all who are curious about this unique celebration and its historical significance.

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